The site Crochet Me has a free e-book available. You have to be a member of the site, but membership is free. Once you sign up, you can download the book which is pdf format. It includes 6 crochet patterns for babies: a stuffed toy, toddler poncho, shell and posies stitch dress, matching dress and hat, cardigan, and a nursing wrap.
Welcome to the Crafty Princess Diaries, my weblog and site where I get to blab about my passion for crafts, primarily jewelry making, and my crafting career. My name is Tammy Powley, and I decided to call my blog the Crafty Princess Diaries because of this very dorky picture I have of myself and because my husband often refers to me as “the princess and the pea,” which is just another way to say that I tend to be particular sometimes.
Along with this weblog, I have a number of jewelry making books published.