Pretty Little Potholders (Pretty Little Series) is a book from Lark’s “Pretty Little” series. It retails for $9.95 US and $10.95 Canadian and is 127 page soft cover that came out in 2013. Featuring hand-crafted potholders, this book includes 32 potholder projects that primarily focus on basic sewing techniques. Potholders can be both functional and practical gifts, and because they are not overly large, most of these projects look like they would work up pretty quickly. Plus, you need minimal sewing skills.
The supplies and techniques section suggest that you use a sewing machine, and I have to agree. Unless you have extremely good hand-stitching skills, you want to use a sewing machine as a way to save time but also to make sure you construct a finished product that will last. Save the hand-stitching, which is also covered in the techniques part, for ornamentation.
I liked the variety of design options provided in this fun book and think it would be a great gift idea (the actual book of course) for someone who has just started sewing. It allows for lots of sewing practice without taking on a huge project. Of course, the finished potholders would also make great gifts because anyone can use them.
For the price, which as usual, is always much less through Amazon, I think this is a nice addition to any sewer’s library.