This is what I woke up to this morning. Actually, by now, a few hours later, it is much worse, raining, raining, raining with no end in sight. Tropical storm Fay looks like she plans to stay awhile.
So far, it’s just a lot of water. We lost power very briefly around 6:30am, but it came right back on. If it continues like this, it can turn into an opportunity to catch up on school work as well as get a little craft work in. During the 2004 hurricanes that hit us back to back, I spent about 18 days without power. Luckily, I had my beads and lots of potato chips! Since I had so much spare time and nothing electronic to keep me busy, I pulled out my bead weaving supplies and ended up making a number of piece that were later part of a book I wrote on bead weaving, Making Designer Seed Bead, Stone, and Crystal Jewelry. So, I managed to squeeze out some lemonad out of the lemons I was handed. I hope to do something similarly today.
If you live in Florida, stay safe and as dry as possible. Other than running the dogs out for quick tinkles, I plan to hang by the PC, and my bead table.