Spring semester ends in early May, so the club is working on getting all our crochet baby items finished up and ready to donate to Healthy Start. We already have two crocheted baby afghans made from squares that members made already stitched together, and these are the last of the squares. Of course, we have 8 squares and need 9 to make a blanket. As the club’s fearless leader, that means I need to get a square made!
One of the issues we’ve discovered from doing these squares is that it can turn into some kind of logic question because we have probably about 10 active members, each making squares and various other items in an assortment of colors. Once the basic crochet lessons were over and members started making squares, I just let them select a yarn color of their choice with no thought to a master plan or design. Once we started getting enough squares in to connect them, we realized, hmm…how are we going to arrange the squares?
In these last 8 squares, the purple squares are not of the exact shade, but I’m going to go ahead with it, make one pink square, and assemble them all into our third blanket made from squares. It’s actually kind of cool because it is almost like a patchwork quilt, and since different squares are made by different members, you end up with a project that we all worked on together.