The Crafty Princess Diaries

Tammy Powley’s Crafty Weblog

Dreaming of Sumer Crafting

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Between these two cuties and mountains of papers to grade and end of the semester meetings to go to, I have not had much crafting time lately. Today I did pull out some beads for a cool necklace/bracelet combination that I’ve been imagining, and it was like a kitty magnet. However, in about two weeks I will be off for my long summer vacation, which for me means crafting and writing. Here are some of the task I’m hoping to accomplish:

  • Finish the baby crochet afghan I’ve started. I’m about half way through it, so that looks promising.
  • Write a book proposal. I’m teaming up with another author on an idea that I think is awesome. Hopefully, we will be able to convince a publisher that it is a great book idea too.
  • I plan to write a magazine article about my college crafting club. I have a few magazines in mind that I think might like it (fingers crossed).
  • I have a number of jewelry projects on the drawing board that I hope to make and publish over at my site.
  • Speaking of jewelry, our guest room is still trashed from the last jewelry book we did. I can barely get in there to take photos in the photo tent. I plan to get that room cleared out.
  • Then one more writing project is on the computer. I’ve actually already started it, but I need to do some more research before my ideas jell. This project is a literary article that I will present at a conference in October, so there’s lots of time, but I think I can bang it out over the summer and have it off my plate when school starts back in the fall.
  • Finally, of course, I have to get my summer 2 classes ready. Teachers do get time off during part of the summer, but we have to use that time to get ready for the future semesters.

Yes, I may not get all of this done while I’m off, but hopefully, I can manage getting it completed over the entire summer, even if I do work near the end of it.

Author: Tammy

Welcome to the Crafty Princess Diaries, my weblog and site where I get to blab about my passion for crafts, primarily jewelry making, and my crafting career. My name is Tammy Powley, and I decided to call my blog the Crafty Princess Diaries because of this very dorky picture I have of myself and because my husband often refers to me as β€œthe princess and the pea,” which is just another way to say that I tend to be particular sometimes. Along with this weblog, I have a number of jewelry making books published.

One Comment

  1. Yada, yada, yada – made me smile.

    I Can’t wait to hear about your awesome book idea, Tammy. Good luck with that, as well as with the magazine article!

    What a full plate you have planned. Makes me tired just reading about it πŸ˜‰

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