The Crafty Princess Diaries

Tammy Powley’s Crafty Weblog

Organzing the Handspun


It feels strange to say this, but I now have some handspun yarn. Of course, it is pretty wonky looking. I have yet to produce a skein of yarn that I would knit or crochet with, but I’m hopeful. In fact, I’m back at the spindle again, and I should have another skein finished this weekend. I realized, though, that before I made any more attempts at spinning yarn that I should organize my first attempts and document them so that a year from now when I (hopefully) make something amazing, I can pull these out and see how much progress I have made.

I got some zip lock bags and old business cards. I punched holes in the cards, and added scraps of yarn to create tags. Then I wrote the dates, the attempt (1st skein, 2nd, etc.), and the type of fiber used. I’m going to store this in one of my larger project bags, and I will just keep adding to it as a create my personal homespun yarn stash, yeah!

Author: Tammy

Welcome to the Crafty Princess Diaries, my weblog and site where I get to blab about my passion for crafts, primarily jewelry making, and my crafting career. My name is Tammy Powley, and I decided to call my blog the Crafty Princess Diaries because of this very dorky picture I have of myself and because my husband often refers to me as “the princess and the pea,” which is just another way to say that I tend to be particular sometimes. Along with this weblog, I have a number of jewelry making books published.

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