I began slowing with switching out bodies. Then at one point, I purchased a doll (second hand) that someone else had customized, and she arrived in bad shape so I had to put her back together again. I wouldn’t say it was all that fun having to fix the doll, especially since I paid for her, but it gave me a little more incentive to try to fully customize my own Blythe doll.
I bought a few inexpensive fake Blythe dolls, carving knifes, some hand-painted eye chips, and other assorted tools and supplies and got at it. My experience with the first doll was mildly successful, though she was very, very far from perfection. I didn’t jump into the next customization project I had planned as I thought more about it, and I also became distracted with sewing doll clothes, which I found much more enjoyable.
As I’ve been collecting Blythe dolls now for a few years and dabbled in the various parts of the hobby that go with it – customizing, making doll items, photography, and so on – I’m ready to finally admit that I’m not a doll customizer and will probably never be one either. I discuss this topic a little more in a recent six and a half minute video posted on my Youtube channel (see below), and since posting this video, I’ve had a number of people comment and contact me expressing that they also had similar feelings about customizing dolls.
Of course, most crafters want to do all the crafts, right? But, has there ever been a craft that you finally had to admit was just not your calling, that you thought you might like but once you tried it a little, all did not go as planned?
July 14, 2018 at 10:38 am
Years ago, I got into creating porcelain dolls – from scratch – I enjoyed it very much, but was not a good business model.
The craft that I tried and tried to like was polymer clay. No matter how I approached it, I just didn’t like it – and after years of trying, I just gave up on it. Still have the little craft oven – but when we retired and moved to the country here in N.C. – I gave it all away – someone else could get the joy out of it I just did not.
Jewelry is my passion – and beading…and experimenting!
July 14, 2018 at 7:27 pm
That is great that you gave the supplies and equipment away. I’m sure someone else is enjoying it.
July 19, 2018 at 7:24 pm
This is good to figure out about yourself, and a great thing to post about. You probably just gave some readers permission to let themselves off the hook about something they don’t really enjoy so they have more time for something else. A few years ago, I realized I was never going to be the card maker I thought I was, and I wanted to free up the space those materials were taking for beads and jewelry. I packed it up and took it to a cool art supply swap. Those supplies got new homes and I picked up some cool jewelry stuff. Win – win! The dress your doll is wearing is cute!
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July 22, 2018 at 10:25 am
Knitting! Grrrr. I’ve started teaching myself to knit several times and progressed as far as being able to say I know how. But it feels awkward and I’m always thinking about how I could crochet a similar thing faster and do a much better job.
July 22, 2018 at 11:36 am
LOL, I can related. I continue to struggle with knitting. I’m not giving up on it, but I’m still doing a lot of garter stitch scarves and shawls!
July 23, 2018 at 8:28 pm
Oh my goodness, yes! There are several things over the years that I have tried and ended up actually HATING…lol! Others of course just ended up not being in my wheelhouse. You just can’t do or be good at everything.