Finally, my pre-ordered Tasha Mermaid Blythe doll arrived, and I started unboxing her today. I even had my iphone in hand to record the occasion so I could share it later on my YouTube channel.
However, as I started pulling out the various stock items that come with this June 2018 Takara Neo Blythe doll release, I noticed something – a weird looking eyelash, actually a bunch of eyelashes that were off center.
It seems like a small problem, but considering these dolls are known for how their eyes can be changed by pulling on a cord in the back of their heads, and of course, there are other issues such as how much she costs, how she came all the way from Singapore and before there Japan, and how she’s supposed to be a special collectible doll, a few extra eyelashes off center is not a small problem.
Do I return the doll? Is that even possible? Do I just leave it and not let it bother me every time I looked at her? Do I attempt to fix the eyelashes myself? Do I just resell her to another collector (obviously, with full disclosure about the wonky eyelashes)?
I’m still trying to figure that out, but stay tuned for my decision. And, of course, I’m open to your suggestions. What would you do if this was your new Blythe doll?