The Crafty Princess Diaries

Tammy Powley’s Crafty Weblog

Got at Job at Michael’s Craft Store, Sorta


No, I really don’t work for Michael’s craft store, but I did feel like it recently when I was scoping the isles for supplies for a new book proposal I’ve been working on. I had my little basket with an odd assortment of supplies since some items I had at home in my craft stash already, and this book is also a little different than other books I’ve done in the past, so anyone looking into my basket would probably not really understand what I was thinking.

Without giving away my book details (not ever a good thing to do and just plain bad luck to boot IMHO), I had a few products in my hands. One I examined and noticed a flaw in it (see why my DH calls me the Princess and the Pea, perfect example here), so I put it back and got another to examine and it passed mustard. A woman next to me noticed, turned, and said, “Excuse me, but what do you plan to do with those?” pointing to the items in my hands.

Of course, Mrs. Smarty-Pants-Teacher that I am, I explained the project to her, which is super duper quick and easy. I had noticed her earlier too and she had that look in her eye that told me this was probably her first venture into a craft store, while here I was the equivalent to a gourmet cook in a grocery store.

She loved the idea and ended up purchasing similar products to make her own version of my project. So there! La dee da, I knew it was a good idea! I knew my book idea in general was good too, and I had this wonderful stranger validating it all for me. In fact, I finished the proposal and mailed it off to an editor today, and I included this narrative in it because this woman is my audience. What better way to underline this fact to a publisher? Thank you, dear lady, wherever you are!

Author: Tammy

Welcome to the Crafty Princess Diaries, my weblog and site where I get to blab about my passion for crafts, primarily jewelry making, and my crafting career. My name is Tammy Powley, and I decided to call my blog the Crafty Princess Diaries because of this very dorky picture I have of myself and because my husband often refers to me as “the princess and the pea,” which is just another way to say that I tend to be particular sometimes. Along with this weblog, I have a number of jewelry making books published.


  1. Very sweet story. Gave me goosebumps. 4 or 5 years ago, I had just lost my job and ventured into a Michael’s. A strange lady who I call my “angel” noticed me pacing up and down the aisles looking at beads and she asked me if I made jewelry. I told her “no” and she immediately offered her time & knowledge to set me up so that I could begin making some jewelry pieces when I got home. She instructed me about what wire to use, the crimping tools, the beads and clasps, etc. $100.00 later, I was on my way!!! I’ll never forget that evening. I was in my family room, watching Britney Spears lip synch to her concert and I made my first necklace. It was sparkly and dazzling. The rest was history. I guess the morale to the story is that when we help others, you never know where your kindness and good heart will lead someone. Thank you to the lady that helped me!!!!

  2. What a great story! I hope you blog about this. I’m sure your readers will find it interesting. It sort of reminds me of a question posed by Natalie Goldberg in one of her books for writers (maybe Writing Down the Bones, I think?) where she asks you to think about who gave you permission to write? In this case, who gave you permission to create?

  3. Pingback: The Crafty Princess Diaries » Craft Bloggers Unite 07/18/08

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  5. I am the Crafts Manager at a very busy Michaels Store.

    Thanks for the publicity. Some day I will write a book about customers and their questions. We get a lot of crafters visiting the store. Some with great questions, some not so great.

    But I love the environment and the chance to practice what I preach on my own time. Enough to have started my own blog about my experiments and ideas as well as results.

    Right now I am interested in showing knitters how to knit wire with traditional knitting stitches and create great jewelry.

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