My college craft club has been asking to sew, and honestly, we just don’t have the space and supplies to do any significant sewing. Plus, I probably don’t have the patience to teach it either, especially a group all at the same time. However, I think it is handy for everyone to know some basics when it comes to sewing like how to sew on a button, how to thread a needle, and how to do simple stitches like the running stitch, so I’ve been thinking about how to allow them to do some very basic sewing projects that won’t break our budget or drive me crazy either.
That’s when I came up with the idea of making felt ornaments. Felt is very inexpensive, and we just need some thread, needles, and notions to do this. After I came up with the idea, I checked out YouTube for some help with how to do this. There are (not surprisingly) a fair number of videos over there showing this technique, such as this one.

I gathered some supplies I had on hand to make a prototype, and I think it turned out pretty well considering I whipped it up pretty quickly. I used a cookie cutter and paper to make a template, and then pinned it to the felt and cut out two stars. I stitched a simple button in the center, and then held the two stars together and stitched around them. Before I closed it up, I added some scrap yarn at the top so it can be hung, and then I used extra scrap yarn to stuff it.
I’m sure my club members will come up with much fancier ornaments than this, but at least I have a method to show them. Then they can take it from there and experiment with different stitches. For those who aren’t interested in stitching, glue is also an option.
September 13, 2014 at 7:58 am
You haven’t mentioned the club in a while. I’m glad to hear it’s still going. With your busy schedule, Tammy, I don’t know how you do it. This will be a fun project, I’m sure.
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September 14, 2014 at 10:32 am
Oh, yes, we are not active during the summer since the campus generally slows down, but as soon as fall semester started up, we were back at it.