August 29, 2018
by Tammy
August 26, 2018
by Tammy
Kawaii Doll Shop Is Open
Finally, my little dolly shop is open over at Etsy. I’ve had a shop on and off there for years selling jewelry and jewelry supplies, but for this doll shop, I decided to open a totally new shop and start from scratch. It’s called Kawaii Doll Shop, and I have a small collection of dresses and accessories for Blythe dolls and other 1/6 scale dolls over there with plans to add more.
To help get things rolling over there and as a way to say so long to summer, I have a 25% off sale going on until 9/9/18 on everything in the shop. Just use the code SUMMER25, or this direct link should also work.
Even if you may not be ready to buy today, I’d love to hear some feedback on how the shop looks, so feel free to browse and comment below if you have some suggestions or questions.
August 14, 2018
by Tammy
Learning Your Craft
My fellow blog makers have been very busy both crafting and learning about their crafts. Technique is an important part of making. It requires learning the basics and then experimenting and learning as you go from there.
The folks at Allegory Gallery recently visited a fellow artist’s studio and learned about lost wax casting. In the gallery’s blog post, they provide a link to a short two minute or so video that demonstrates this interesting way to create three dimensional metal charms and other jewelry components.
Andrew even has some charms in his owl collection, which he shows off in another blog post on her personal weblog. Along with charms that have been made using the lost wax casting method, he has owl beads that have been made using clay and takes a look at how the artists who made these owl components used similar materials but, each piece ends up looking very different because of how they approached the technique.
Tappingflamingo has done some research about wedding jewelry, and she talks about the types of jewelry worn traditionally worn at weddings. Most of us think of the bride, but wedding jewelry should not be limited to the bride, of course.
On the Bead Love blog, the lesson is about how a simply design can be satisfying to wear and to make. While you may have loads of beads and jewelry supplies in your stash, sometimes just using a few can create the look you are going for.
Want to learn from bead bloggers? Then get ready for another tutorial from Beading Arts. This one covers a chenille stitch rope style necklace that looks amazing!
August 8, 2018
by Tammy
Blythe and Other Doll Goodies Come and Go
My doll collection continues to be in flux as dolls come and go. I have also sold off some doll customization supplies. At first, it was hard to let go. I want all the dolls, and I want to do all the doll crafts. But, once I made my mind up that I just don’t need all this stuff, and of course, if I could sell some items that means funds for other dolls, it made the decision much easier.
I show some of my latest doll acquisitions and share some dolly crafting in a recent Crafts and Dollies vlog:
August 5, 2018
by Tammy
New Crafting Twists
Crafters are a creative bunch. Sure, we have to first learn the basics of our craft of choice. However, once we get a handle on basic techniques and methods of whatever it is we are crafting, it’s not unusual for makers to take it a step further and change, alter, twist what we’ve learned into something far different from what we started with.
Cyndi has been on the ropes lately, as in beading rope necklaces much of this summer. Now that she’s become expert at the basics, it is time for her to twist her own take on some of the basics. In a recent blog post over on her Beading Arts blog, she shares with us how she’s changing up her seed bead weaving with herringbone stitch. Plus, she even offers a quick tutorial for her readers so they can also try it. Love the results!
Another blog crafter who likes to twist, literally, is the Tappingflamingo. She combines her wire wrapping skills with recycled discarded guitar strings. What started out as a dare from one of her dulcimer buddies grew and evolved into an array of various jewelry pieces as well as beaded ornaments.
She has made key chains, necklaces, holiday ornaments, earrings, and her designs continue to expand, all because she wanted to figure out a way to reuse old guitar strings.
What have you turned and twisted as far as your crafting skills lately?
August 5, 2018
by Tammy
Sewing Idea Becomes Design Fail
The more I sew, the more design ideas pop into my head. Isn’t that the way with crafting and designing? One idea leads to another. You have a vision, possibly a brilliant idea!
But brilliant ideas don’t always turn out like you think.
I’m working on designing Blythe doll clothes. A lot of doll clothes for these dolls (not all, mind you, but a lot) tend to be very young looking, and I don’t usually like to dress my dolls as if they are two or three years old. So, the doll dresses I’m making I feel are a little more mature looking, and I thought back to when I used to make Laura Ashley dresses for myself. This train of thought soon mixed in with my appreciation for Japanese Mori fashion
What about adding more layers and a little more lace to the dresses?
I got to work on a skirt and trimmed it in lace with the idea that I could layer this under the dress. Plus, it could be worn alone as well, thus having more than one function.
Or, at least, that was my “brilliant” idea.
However, once I had completed the skirt and added it as a layer under the dress, I realized my idea wasn’t exactly as brilliant as I had hoped. Obviously, the under skirt was too long, but then there was all this bulk around the doll’s waist that I had anticipated.
Design fail! I’ve toned down my approach, and now I’m almost finished with two more dresses that I have shorted a little and trimmed in lace. I’m not sure if it will be the Laura Ashley Mori fashion I’m going for, but I don’t think there’s anything bad about adding extra lace when it comes to a doll dress.
July 30, 2018
by Tammy
1 Comment
Space Coast Visit and Quilt Delivery
This past weekend, I took a trip to my old hometown, Rockledge, Florida, to visit with family and, of course, deliver the much anticipated quilt of my grandmother’s to my mother. We all first enjoyed a yummy lunch at my favorite place to eat over there, Grills on Cape Canaveral. It was crazy hot day outside, but the view is always wonderful there because you are right on the water. We even got a look at the recent booster rocket that was recovered by SpaceX.
Grills is the only place I can get a decent fish Ruben these days. Today’s catch was mahi mahi. I almost didn’t take a photo of it because I was too busy eating.
Afterwards, we headed back to my parents’ house, and I pulled out the quilt from a large tote I had used to keep it safe. Everyone did the right amount of “oohing and awing,” and my mother proceeded to point out various swatches of fabric she recognized. I discovered that Grandma had acquired scraps from my mom, who also sewed a lot back in the day. Then we folded it up and hung it on a quilt rack that my dad had made for my mom.
It now has a place of honor right when you walk into their home, and it look great!
July 29, 2018
by Tammy
Summer Time Creativity
We are well into summer now, which means many of us might have some extra time to indulge in being more creative then usual. Some of my fellow bloggers are currently sharing how their level of creativity has increased lately.
Simple on-the-go style projects, specifically beaded ropes, have been one method for Beading Arts to be creative while still busy with summer obligations. While they can take a chunk of time to do, once you get started and understand the basic technique, weaving beads into ropes that become necklaces is a fun way to create with seed beads, and it’s relatively simply because the techniques are just repeated over and over.
Tappingflamingo has also been busy with beads lately and was inspired by the ocean to create her Autism Awareness Bracelets. For each bracelet she sells from this line of jewelry, she is able to donate some of the proceeds to Surfers for Autism. Being able to do this has been a long-term goal for hers, and now that she has a more established Etsy shop, she is able to finally give to a cause that is personally important to her.
The Bead Love blog has gotten some creative juices going by participating in a beading challenge. She joined the Wild Jungle Challenge put on by Allegory Gallery, and in her blog post, she shows what she managed to design using materials from the challenge kit.
Summer is also a time for a good read or two, and Andrew Thornton talks about an online reading book club he started five years ago that continues to be popular. One book actually prompted him to come up with some cute mixed tape earrings because the characters in the book created and exchanged mixed tapes with one another.
Production has ramped up a little on the Allegory Gallery web site and online shop. Like many new business ventures, the gallery first entered the online world of selling through free web portals such as Etsy and Big Cartel, and while there was some success, the gallery finally realized it was time to take a bigger step and start developing its own online shop. Little by little, it continues to grow.
Has your summer meant more time for crafting? For me, I have had a great time this summer getting lots more crafting accomplished, but I see the end soon as July ends and we have a few weeks of August before I’m back to school. I hope to keep up the crafting momentum though!
July 29, 2018
by Tammy
Sold! Tasha Mermaid Blythe Doll for Sale
ETA: Tasha Mermaid is on layaway.
While it’s never an easy decision, I’ve decided to go ahead and sell the Tasha Mermaid Takara Neo Blythe stock doll I recently acquired. She’s pretty. All the dolls are pretty, but even after cleaning up her hair, which looks amazing now, and trying different outfits on her, I’m not in love with her.
I like her, but now that I have a fair size collection of Blythe dolls, my tastes are just changing. I’m being drawn more towards older releases and custom dolls.
Other than one eyelash being a little too long on one of her eyes, she’s in excellent shape. You can see a box opening video of her as well as a brief update about her in one of my latest Crafts and Dollies episodes on my YouTube channel.
I plan to post her for sale on a few Facebook doll adoption groups where I will have lots more photos, but here is the basic info if anyone wants to contact me through my blog or email me at tammypowley @
$200 US for Tasha Mermaid, no stock, not clothes, in her original box and Takara mailing box; shipping and insurance included to Continental US; smoke-free pet-friendly home; never taken outside; has had 2 hair spas but otherwise not handled very much; eye mechanism works well; good condition other than one eyelash is longer than the other but probably could be fixed with a careful trim. Payment to be made via paypal invoice, so would need your email address.
July 25, 2018
by Tammy
Stitching Details Matter on Blythe Doll Dresses
Now that I have completed a few DIY projects, that frees up a little time to get back to sewing Blythe doll dresses. I have a number of patterns I’ve either found free online or purchased, but I usually change things up a little bit from the original pattern. For example, I might lengthen the top so it sits more on the doll’s waist instead of up high under her arms like many of the baby-doll style dresses seem to do. I also mess with the proportions of the skirt. I sort of have a vision in mind, a kind of mix between the old 80s Laura Ashley dresses with a dash of Mori style.

Lace Collar
Details are also part of what draws me to making these tiny dresses. I’m always on the hunt for small embellishments. While there are lots of lace trims available, often the lace can be overly large, too large to stitch around something like the collar of a doll dress. Designing on such a tiny scale has taught me much needed patience and to think carefully about the details of each piece I stitch together. I have to learn to relax and not feel like I need to rush to finish a piece, just enjoy the process. None of that is easy, though, because I have so many design ideas in my head that I want go them out. Now!
Here is one of the finished dresses, modeled by Tudy, a new custom Blythe doll. I have an unboxing video of her on my Youtube channel, and I share more about my recently finished objects, sewing, and doll collecting on my latest episode of a crafting style vlog I post irregularly, which I call Crafts & Dollies: