The Crafty Princess Diaries

Tammy Powley’s Crafty Weblog

Crochet Doll Clothes Experiment No. 1


crochet, blyth dollsMy blog and jewelry web pal, Jean Yates from Snap Out of It Jean! There’s Beading to Be Done, collects those cool Blythe dolls, and because I’ve been looking for smaller items to crochet, I am a doll lover (have a few Madame Alexander dolls from way back when), and I’d like to work on my crochet skills I attempted to make her a few clothing items for one of her dolls. I crochet, how shall I put this? very organically, which is another way to say I just sort of wing it a lot.

I thought this experience might teach me to pay attention. I even tried to write down what I was doing now and then, but then I got into the project and sort of just “did it.” I looked at a few Barbie doll outfits, but I’m just so bad at following directions. That is horrible to admit because I write them all the time, but I just can’t seem to bring myself to do something step by step. I sort of get the gist and head off into la la land.

Skipper in Crochet OutfitI looked all over the web trying to find measurements for Blythe, but this must be some top government secret because other than say her body was about the same size as a Skipper doll, that’s all I could find. As luck would have it, I happen to have my old Skipper doll and dug her out, so she was my model, at least for the top and skirt. The hat, well, I just totally guessed. I’d love it if anyone knows the dimensions of Blythe’s head. Hats would be so easy to make, just a big ol’ circle!

So, here is Skipper, and cut her some slack because obviously Gwenny (pictured at the top) has a little more curve to her hips and a much better hair brush handy!

I may try to make some more pieces. I have a few ideas, and they were actually pretty fun to make. I just wish I could remember what I did so that I could improve on what I already made. For example, I had a heck of a time with the velcro that holds the pieces together. (The buttons are just decorative.) I think also that the skirt, which is supposed to be a kind of wrap around to the side design, is too bulky for what I was thinking.

Here are some other images of Gwenny totally rockin’ this outfit, and you can find more pictures of her and Jean’s other styling dolls here and here.


Gwenny Showing Off the Hat

Author: Tammy

Welcome to the Crafty Princess Diaries, my weblog and site where I get to blab about my passion for crafts, primarily jewelry making, and my crafting career. My name is Tammy Powley, and I decided to call my blog the Crafty Princess Diaries because of this very dorky picture I have of myself and because my husband often refers to me as β€œthe princess and the pea,” which is just another way to say that I tend to be particular sometimes. Along with this weblog, I have a number of jewelry making books published.


  1. Tammy

    This outfit kicks booty! Love it!


  2. Thanks, Margot. These dolls are so cute.

  3. Love this outfit! “Organic”, the way you do it, is spectacular!!! It is perfection! The members of my Blythe group are falling all over themselves! I got to tell them it was made by a great jewelry designer and author of a fabulous new book! Yes!!! I showed you off! And loved doing it!

    I love your Skipper doll too! That is so cool that you have one! She’s a cutie!


  4. Tammy, I came across your posting because I was looking for the same thing: Blythe dimensions. Now I still cannot find her head dimensions (I’ma lookin’), but I did find her body dimensions at… wikipedia. Who’da thunk it?

    So I shall share with you! “The measurements of Blythe: 4.17-2.76-3.89 (in inches) or 106-70-99 (in mm). The measurements of Petit Blythe: 1.77-1.18-16.5 (in inches) or 45-30-42 (in mm).” (quoted from wikipedia)

    I like finding out she’s the same (more or less) in the body as Skipper. I can use her for a model until I can afford my own Blythe. Thanks!

  5. Jill – Just from seeing the skirt on Skipper and then on Gwenny, it looks like the Blythe are a tad curvier in the hip area, but otherwise, Skipper worked pretty well as a model. I wouldn’t mind having my own Blythe either, but I’m also not ready to plunk down the money for that yet.

  6. I found what I think is a Bratz doll at my local thrift shop today. The doll has a large head and smaller body. I’m happy to report that her measurements match exactly those I pulled from Wikipedia. Maybe you can find a Bratz doll to substitute. I’m going to use my newfound friend to model for me. I still don’t know if her head is the same, but I’ll work around that.

  7. Pingback: More artsy links!

  8. Stumbled across you blog today and loved it! You do really neat work! (Your photographs are great too! You truly have talent!)

  9. Cross Stitch Fan – The wonderful photos came from Jean Yates. I made the clothes for her doll, so we was nice enough to send me pictures. But, I’m glad you found my little blog.

  10. Pingback: The Crafty Princess Diaries » Craft Bloggers Unite 07/25/08

  11. I love this! I will have to go dig out some of my old dolls – don’t have Skipper or Blythe, but do have some Barbies and others who could use some new duds.

  12. Connie – I used Skipper as my model. I don’t have the dough for a Blythe right now…I haven’t seen one I like for less than $80. But, old Skipper was hanging out in an old box in my closet along with PJ. Both are now hanging out by my PC now.

  13. I just stumbled upon your site while looking for Blythe and vintage Skipper measurements. I love the outfit you made, so cute! Would you mind sharing your lovely Skipper doll’s measurements? Thanks so much! πŸ™‚

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