I’ve been tagged again, this time by Jean Yates, who is one of my best of all bead buddies, doll obsessed, and crazy (in a good way) blogger friend. I’ve been tagged a few times, and each time I think, “What does the Web world not know about me? I’ve been on here for 10+ years!” Okay, well, there is a lot you don’t know about me, but there are reasons for that, like it’s private stuff even my mom (especially my mom) does not know. So, these blog tag games tend to force me to think of stuff the world probably doesn’t know about me and might possible care to know (or not know, I’m good with that too) without getting too, too personal.
The way this particular tag works is that I list 7 factoids about moi, and then I tag 7 more bloggers. Here goes:
- I purchase a minimum of 90 pounds of cat litter per week; I sh*t you not (pun intended). That is three super duper big bags once a week when I do my main grocery shopping (ever bag-boy has to ask how many cats I have and why so much cat littler…same store every week…same questions…just shut up and put them in the d*mn car already!), and it’s not unusual for me to have to make a mid-week emergency cat litter run to boot. I have three spoiled geriatric cats who have trained me well, and their boxes happen to be in my home office; thus, I must service them regularly. It is what I live for. It is my purpose in life.
- Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Dover Thrift Editions)
by Thomas Hardy is my favorite novel. I read it after a teacher I took a writing class from constantly raved about it. I was not doing well in the class, and right before the drop date, I asked him if I needed to worry about getting a C in the class. He told me not to worry. Yes, that’s because….(drum roll)…he gave be a D! Any whooo, though this novel and rugby had nothing at all to do with the writing class I was taking, he used to yammer about both of them endlessly. I still don’t give a rat’s bat-too-dee about rugby, but this made me curious about the Hardy novel, so I eventually read it. So, while this professor was obviously possessed by the devil, he did give me something I still treasure.
- I’m a Star Trek fan. When I was very young and used to play house with my BF, Elsie, I always claimed Captain Kirk as my husband. She liked Donny Osmond. To this day, I still admit to having a bit of a crush on William Shatner.
- I’m really, really, really nearsighted. Coke bottles got nothing on the glasses I have to wear. I do wear contacts sometimes, but besides my nearsightedness, now that I’m well past the big 40 hump, I now have to wear bifocals. As a result, I can’t read a dang thing when I wear contacts, so needless to say, I wear them to the occasional social event and that’s about it.
- I’m addicted to Twitter.
- You know that I have been running the About.com Jewelry Making site for 10 plus years, but you may not know that I applied for the position days after getting down-sized from a job I wasn’t that fond of. I was doing IT stuff for a small company, they’d just lost a huge contract, and they pretty much didn’t like me, so I was one of the first heads to roll. They were also very mean about it, waiting until 4:45 on a Friday (which also happened to be the day before I was to sign a contract on a house we just built and leave on a two week vacation to move in) to call me in, box in hand, and tell my my job had been “eliminated.” The secretary stood there while I loaded up the box with my personal possessions, and of course, to make sure I didn’t press delete *.* on my computer, which I would never do, even to people like them, because I am not people like them. Buy, hey, I see now they did me a big favor. Oh, and gee, they were eventually bought out and don’t even exist any more. Karma rocks sometimes!
- I own a Honda Element and love it.
Thanks to Twitter, I have a number of blogger tag volunteers. So, okay guys, you know what to do, 7 factoids, 7 more bloggers tagged, you’re it:
October 19, 2008 at 4:10 pm
Well thought out and fascinating. I will have to wait until my weekend to get to mine (Weds Thurs.) I will probably not tag anyone as I ran out of taggees on the last round. And I think it caused some dissension in the ranks. The ranks are easily…dissented? I will try to come up with some victims but I’m not optimistic as I need to broaden my blogger horizons still.
October 19, 2008 at 4:56 pm
No pressure either way. I know. It’s hard to find new blog blood to tag! That’s why I turned to Twitter!
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