The Crafty Princess Diaries

Tammy Powley’s Crafty Weblog

Felting Frogged Wool Yarn


Shawl #2 is now officially frogged. And this means I have a heck of a lot of purple wool yarn. And I live in Florida were wool is sort of like tire chains, not necessary at all! Now what to do with all this purple wool yarn? I’m not ruling out an afghan, but I also realized I might be able to use at least some of this yarn to make bags and felt them. I have tried felting before without success, but I did not do enough research to understand how the process worked. Thanks to a few YouTube videos, I am thinking of trying it again.

In the first video, Mikey tries to felt a crocheted bag (versus a knitted bag). In the second video, he describes some of the things he should have done differently, even though his experiment was semi-successful.

Author: Tammy

Welcome to the Crafty Princess Diaries, my weblog and site where I get to blab about my passion for crafts, primarily jewelry making, and my crafting career. My name is Tammy Powley, and I decided to call my blog the Crafty Princess Diaries because of this very dorky picture I have of myself and because my husband often refers to me as β€œthe princess and the pea,” which is just another way to say that I tend to be particular sometimes. Along with this weblog, I have a number of jewelry making books published.


  1. Hi Tammy!! If you ever feel adventurous, get some wool rovings (unspun wool, but cleaned and carded into lengths — the roving — ready for spinning) and crochet the wool straight from the roving w/o spinning it first. You do have to control how many fibers are arriving at your hook (if you’ve ever done any spinning, it’s just like control the wool as it goes to the spindle). It felts *wonderfully*! πŸ˜€

  2. By the way… Have you considered using your purple wool for toys for kids?? Or funky ones for adults, too!! LOL (I used to crochet lambs and other critters… no pattern. Just shaped it as I went. They were *always* a hit!)

  3. Spinning is definitely the rage right now, but I haven’t heard of just using the fiber before spinning. I’m sure it’s very soft and squishy. Toys are a good idea, thanks!

  4. Pingback: The Crafty Princess Diaries » Felting Failure

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