Here is more photographic evidence that I can sometimes manage to do knitted ribbing. I says sometimes because I get about this far, a few inches, and then I screw it up! Though I drop a stitch sometimes, more often I’m adding stitches. Yes, and I’m not even sure how.
One issue with knitting versus crochet is that you can fake stuff so much easier with crochet. If I were to have an extra stitch in a crochet scarf (I was attempting to make a scarf here), I would just decrease to remove a stitch some place and all would be well. Or at least, no one would really be able to notice the flaw unless they really, really looked for it. But with knitting, nope, you can’t fake it.
I know there are different ways to fix stuff, and my Knitfreedom e-book does show how, but right now, I’m just frogging and frogging and frogging some more. I will say that I’m becoming an expert at casting on though. I don’t think I will ever forget how to do a long tail cast on. I can almost do it blind folded by now!
June 28, 2012 at 1:20 pm
Would you consider yourself a process crafter? I ask that, because you seem to be taking the frogging quite well.
I consider myself a process crafter, I enjoy the process. The finished product is great too, but I love the process so much more.
I had to do the same with the pattern test beanie hat. In my case I kept working in the same color instead of swapping to the crown color, and while I could have kept on, I frogged and went down in needle size.
Your stitches look great! They’re very neat, excellent work! Have your tried cables yet? I think ribs and cables are my favorite.
A long term work in progress is the Sylvi cardigan, I discovered it on Ravelry. You’re right though, in some aspects crochet is much easier. I thought about this as I whipped up an out of my head design for one of my daughters creater a Monster high dolls. I love them both though crochet and knitting.
I just realized I have your Bead & Wire Jewelry book, love the book. Over the past few years, I’ve been slacking on my beadwork, but I have been adding it back into some of the crocheted and knitted jewelry I’ve made.
June 28, 2012 at 2:08 pm
Hi Opal – Yes, I think I start off as a product crafter – “I want this so I’ll make it” – but then when I really get into a craft, I get more focused on the process. I like the end product, but if I just slap something together and don’t take the time to learn about what I’m doing, which I find enjoyable, then the end product is probably something I won’t be all that happy with.
I’m not up to cables yet. After ribbing, I think the ebook I’m using does stockinette. I’m so impressed by people like you who can knit sweaters! Luckily, since it’s so hot where I live I don’t have a lot of pressure to get to that point, but I’m still impressed.
That is funny about the book. In fact, that book will be out of print soon. The publisher is going to mark down the few remaining ones and then that’s it for that title.
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