December 11, 2016
by Tammy
November 25, 2016
by Tammy
Blythe Doll & Barbie Clothes Haul
November 25, 2016
by Tammy
Wine & Dolly: Dolly Novel Done; New Blythe; Doll Clothes; Crochet; Etc.
September 18, 2016
by Tammy
1 Comment
Crafty Princess on Sabbatical?
Hi Blog Readers! I though I’d pop over here as I try to get through today’s very long “to do” list and check in and tell you that all is good with me, and I apologize for not coming by and blogging like I usually do. I haven’t even had time to do any videos for my Youtube channel lately either. My only excuse is that I’ve been very, very busy with work, writing, and life. It has been busy in a good sense, but that still means it limits my time.
As far as work goes, my real job is teaching college English, mostly writing classes, and that started up late last month and continues to increase as far as my workload. Of course, I love my job, but it can be “all consuming” sometimes and , obviously, has to be a priority. Anyone who knows a smidgen of what a teacher does knows that it is not a nine to five job, so often we teachers work nights and weekends.
For the writing, I am coordinating a number of projects right now. I’m working a few hours a week writing blog posts (about one or two a week) as well as managing the Facebook page for I’m very excited about joining up with Janice Parsons and beadshop since I have known her from my very early days online when I worked for About dot com. In addition to this little writing gig, I’ve been focused on a personal writing project that I have mentioned briefly in some of my Blythe doll and other doll collecting videos. It is another novel and the protagonist is involved in the dolly world. I’ve made a lot of progress on it over the past few months, so I am starting to see the end in sight. Once it’s done, I will go back for a massive rewrite, but I’m just trying to get that first draft out, and this is a book-length fictional piece, so yup, that means lots of words.
Life is good otherwise. My husband is supportive of all my craziness. I guess after almost thirty years you could say we are each others’ BFFs still. And the pets are happy and healthy and demanding and spoiled.
I’m not sure when I will get caught up on blogging here and other activities that are normally part of my life, but I will try to squeeze out a post now and then. I hope I don’t lose anyone along the way. I’m still a little addicted to Facebook, so if you don’t follow me and want to, you’ll find me over there.
August 22, 2016
by Tammy
Buying Blythe (Fakes) Aliexpress Safe?
August 21, 2016
by Tammy
Sewing, Jewelry, Knitting, & Pottery
Terry Jeanette, aka Tappingflamingo, shows another jewelry redo. This time, a pair of earrings becomes two necklaces.
Home Sewn is a new book out that has lots of creative and simple sewing projects for household items.
Check out Connie’s latest stitching project and find out the materials she’s using for it.
Clay Pottery Repair of Heirloom Cookie Jar
Seamless clay pottery repair can be a challenge sometimes. But unless the pottery is in smithereens, you can DIY one with a few simple supplies. Here’s how.
Cyndi explores how to make a Shamballa bracelet using larger beads!
Snap out of it, jean! There’s beading to be done!
Jean reviews the book for knitters, Self-Striping Yarn Studio by the wonderful instructor and knitter/designer Carol J. Sulcoski!
August 21, 2016
by Tammy
Sewing Blythe Doll Clothes Fail!
August 21, 2016
by Tammy
Dolly Clothes Haul
August 16, 2016
by Tammy
Enjoy Some Craft Links!
Travel Journal: Capture the Memories & Avoid the Clutter
As summer draws to a close, think about reducing the mementos into concentrated personal memories with a travel journal.
The Crafty Princess and Tappingflamingo are podcasting together again.
So, it’s past Independence Day, but some people stitch patriotic designs all year round, so check out the latest pattern added to the Connie Gee’s Designs Etsy shop.
Cyndi shares a way to free-form wire wrap a special stone or cabochon.
Snap out of it, Jean! There’s beading to be done!
Jean reviews the dazzling new jewelry design book, Make It Sparkle! by Lindsay Burke
August 15, 2016
by Tammy
Book Review: Homes Sewn

Home Sewn: Projects and Inspiration for Every Room by Cassandra Ellis is published by Potter and retails for $24.99 US and $32.99 Canadian. Surprisingly, it is a hard cover book. The 159 page book is full of beautiful color photographs, most showing the finished pieces in a “staged” situation and a few showing some “how-to” elements.
As with many books I review, some of the print is too light for my poor old eyes, but oddly enough, some of the print in this book is dark and some light. For example, the Cotton Block-Print Pillowcases project has dark (I say dark but I mean more normal colored) text for the introduction. Then the print lightens up for the list of materials.Then it gets dark again for the step-by-step information. It seem like a small item to think about, but if you really want to read and use a book, this print design of the book I find to be irritating.
Most of the projects look simply enough as far as sewing skills. There are a variety of projects that require basically sewing a straight line, so that is nice to see. That said, I would still warn totally new sewers to be prepared to be challenged somewhat because the instructions are not as broken down as they could be. For experienced sewers, that should not be a problem though. Plus, there are some projects that require very little sewing. The Linen Bulletin Board, for example, only requires you to cut, staple, and glue fabric to a board.
If you have a small amount of sewing experience and enjoy the shabby – chic look, then you will find some very simple, fun, and useful items to make for your home in this book. There is a lot of use of cotton, linen, and canvas fabrics. If you want to work with fabric and try some projects like the bulletin board I mentioned and a few others that don’t really require stitching or require just hemming around the ends of something (a lamp shade and canvas table cloth), then you will find these here too. I could also see some nice gift ideas to consider making such as tea towels and storage containers.
It is a very pretty book, too, one that I could see me sitting down and just enjoy flipping through the pages now and then while I sip some tea.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.