This Linus shawl is super long, and it wraps more like a scarf. I have no doubt there are other ways to style this, but below are a few photos of my first attempts.

June 21, 2017
by Tammy
1 Comment
This Linus shawl is super long, and it wraps more like a scarf. I have no doubt there are other ways to style this, but below are a few photos of my first attempts.
June 10, 2017
by Tammy
I used the following supplies and materials:
.5mm Chinese Knotting Cord, Ginger (color)
1 – 16″ Strand of 10mm Faceted Mookaite Beads
1 D-size Crochet Hook
1 Brass Toggle Clasp
Clear Drying Glue
Corsage Pin
1. For bead crochet, you have to get the beads onto whatever thread or cord medium you plan to use before you start to crochet.I knew I wanted to use all of the beads and make the necklace super long, but I had no idea how long the cord would need to be, so I kept the cord on the spool as I worked. To help get the beads on to the cord, I attached a flexible needle to the end, and then threaded all the beads onto the cord.
2. After all the beads were strung on the cord, I measured about 8 inches from the end of the cord and made a slip knot to attach the crochet hook to the Chinese knotting cord, and I made five crochet chain stitches.
4. I just repeated this process – move the bead down, chain one, then chain five – for all of the beads.
5. Once I had all the beads and chain stitches done, I slipped one part of a toggle clasp onto one end of the cord and tied several knots. Then I repeated this with the other part of the toggle. I used a corsage pin to help push the first knot up against the loop of the toggle clasp section.
June 8, 2017
by Tammy
Here is my latest Yarn and Dollies podcast. I show off my finished Hotel of Bees Shawl and discuss some other crafting projects I have in the works. I also briefly discuss a new book I received for review, Little Loom Weaving: Quick and Clever Projects for Creating Adorable Stuff
June 5, 2017
by Tammy
Thunderbay Books sent me the Zootopia Crochet kit to review, and in the video below, I unbox all the supplies provided to make two of the characters from the movie and also give your some information about the booklet provided in the kit. Below is also a direct link to Amazon where you can purchase the kit at a discount.
June 5, 2017
by Tammy
As you can tell by our discussion in this video, St. Maarten was a big hit with us as our last port of call on our Carnival cruise.
June 5, 2017
by Tammy
In this video, we review our time on the boat and our day at St. Kitts.
May 28, 2017
by Tammy
My sister and I hunted down two bead shops while visiting San Juan, Puerto Rico!
May 28, 2017
by Tammy
May 28, 2017
by Tammy
I have another Yarn and Dollies episode up:
May 25, 2017
by Tammy
Our first port of call on the Carnival cruise I took in May 2017 on the Magic, was Grand Turk. My sister, aka Tappingflamingo, and I talk about our experience there as well as the trip so far.