Back in the early 90s, I was very active when it came to making and then selling my jewelry. I participated in numerous art shows and sold to boutiques and galleries, mainly in the Central Florida area. I wasn’t running my small business full time, but I was pretty successful in my own small way. Later, I dabbled on Ebay with selling jewelry that I either made myself, mainly charms that I cast, or jewelry items I bought wholesale and sold at retail prices. This was when silver was very inexpensive.
I still sell jewelry pieces now and then and occasionally add items to my Etsy shop, but I have not concentrated on the business side of jewelry for years. Given the time, I’d love to start it up again, however. My sister and fellow crafter and blogger opened up her own Etsy store, Tappingflamino Bling, not that long ago, and she’s seeing some success. She is focusing on building her business and recently shared interesting craft business information she found over on the Rich Mom Business site. Right now, there’s a way to sign up for videos produced by “rich mom,” Renae Christine. After signing up, you receive emails prompting you to head over and watch three videos she has on creating a “homemade” business. She also has a YouTube channel (of course).
Today’s handmade business model is much different than what I followed in the old days of the 1990s. I have watched two of Renae’s videos so far and found them really interesting, even a little inspiring! If you have been looking for some ideas on either starting a craft-related business or reviving a current business, then you might want to watch some of her videos as well. I’m not sure I am ready to work on my Etsy shop that it turns into a part-time job (since I already have a full-time job!), but I have to admit, she has got my jewelry business wheels turning!